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BREAKING NEWS; WWF-Uganda Mobilizes Thousands for Earth Hour Launch, Brings Traffic to a Two-hours Halt
Traffic came to a standstill in Kampala as over four thousands Ugandans took to the streets to launch Earth Hour in a protest against plastic pollution.
“As Parliament of Uganda, and as the Speaker, I want to commit to greater consideration of the issue of plastic pollution and its implications to nature in policies and legislation. Fellow Ugandans, let us participate in the Earth Hour campaign by raising our voices against plastic pollution. Let us take individual actions against plastic pollution. And let us make institutional policies against plastic pollution to safeguard the environment, for Nature and people to thrive”, she stressed.
The Minister of state for Environment, Hon Beatrice Anywar urged Ugandans to use Earth Hour 2020 to put the plastic challenge to nature at the Centre of National and International conversations.
“Plastic waste is choking our Country. It’s polluting the air we breathe, blocking drainage channels and contributing to flooding and putting stress on our wet lands. The agricultural sector is also struggling since the plastics in the soil affect proper aeration of soil”, she explained.
The WWF Uganda Country Director, David Duli thanked the dignitaries and the thousands of Ugandans for rising up to take actions and raise voices for Nature.
Details on the March, Follow Our Twitter #EarthHourUg2020