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Inter-Universities Earth Hour Innovations Challenge

Even when globally famed for the symbolic action of turning off lights for one hour (08:30 - 09:30PM) as a sign of support for sustainable living and saving the planet from degradation of all forms, Earth Hour is not just about lights-off

Earth Hour has turned into a people’s movement across the world where individuals, businesses and communities come together to take actions to improve the planet. With an intention to involve the youth in saving the planet, WWF Uganda Country Office is engaging university students to come up with innovations on how to adapt or mitigate climate change.While engaging the students at Kampala International University- one of the four in the challenge, the team was overwhelmed by the vigor to participate and ideas from the student. 
"We are not participating in the challenge for purposes of winning the other universities but we just need to learn more from others and even extend the message of conservation to other communities," said the students' coordinator.