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WWF Uganda Strategizes on Potential Pathways to 100% Renewable Energy (RE) by 2050
As part of the Multi-Actor Partnerships (MAPs) for 100% Renewable Energy (100%RE MAP) project funded by BMZ, WWF-Germany, in collaboration with Brot für die and the World Future Council, organized learning exchange events in Berlin, Germany.
The weeklong engagements involved field visits to one of the Germany renewable role model villages-Feldheim and a conference with project partners, parliamentarians, changemakers and researchers which highlighted potential pathways to reach 100% RE in Uganda, Nepal and Vietnam.
WWF Uganda used the event to share insights and potential collaborative platforms aimed at sailing the Country towards 100% renewable energy by 2050.
“It is possible for Uganda to reach 100% RE by 2050, but the transition will require a coordinated sector-wide planning and implementation,”stated Yonah Turinayo, adding that since energy is an enabler for all sectors, scaling up adoption of renewable energy technologies and services across sectors requires coordination and ownership for both reach and sustainability.
He also called for the Strengthening of multi-stakeholder partnership platforms to ease institutional coordination.
Annet Tumwine also emphasized the need to mainstream RE access and affordability especially in low- and medium-income countries.
“Some countries still have low RE access due to limited financing. Therefore, reaching 100% RE target by 2050 will require developing affordable financing mechanisms both for the supply and demand sides”, she explained.
With support from the Government of Germany, WWF Uganda is implementing the Multi-Actor Partnership (MAP) to achieve 100% RE project. The project is implemented by a consortium of nine organizations; six (6) from the project countries (Uganda, Vietnam and Nepal) and three (3) from Germany (WWF Germany, World Future Council and Bread for the World)).
The project was designed based on the country’s commitment, particularly under Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 22% by 2030 for Uganda. Based on the Uganda’s current Renewable Energy (RE) potential (6,500MW), about 80% of it remains unutilized. This places Uganda at a high advantage of matching its Energy demand 100% by RE.

© Happy Ali
WWF Uganda's AG Conservation Manager speaks during the dialogue in Germany.